For those who attended the WLS presentation on Essential Online Health Information for Older Adults, you know about McMaster Optimal Aging – a source for evidence-based health news and resources. A 2020 video of the presentation – along with a downloadable review of the sites discussed – is posted here! We still advise signing up for the McMaster notifications of new posts! For example, McMaster recently summarized some useful information on driver safety relevant to older adults.

The key takeaway: It’s not age but your health that is the important factor in deciding when it’s time to turn over the keys. The authors go on to review tips for driving safely, smart technology that can help, and ways to assess driver capacity. (It’s true that performance on certain assessment tools, such as the Clock-Drawing Test, can flag those drivers who require a more in-depth evaluation.)
If you are not able to drive, there are resources to help you get where you need to go!
- Bee-Line Bus – here’s A Seniors Guide to Riding the Bee-Line and you can attend a Senior B.E.A.T Program, which is designed to instruct seniors on how to safely and successfully use the Bee-Line System to promote greater travel independence.
- Bee-Line Paratransit services are for seniors and the disabled who need to use public transport to get around the county and are not able to use the regular Bee-Line bus.
- RideConnect and WestFair Rides helps you find a ride via their drivers or other community organizations tackling this need. Their priority is medical appointments.
- Older Driver Family Assistance Program is a service of the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services. Their 2020 brochure details even more local options. You can also call them directly at (914) 813-6188.